You just want someone to handle your paid ads for you because you'd rather be doing...anything else. You, my friend, are perfect for our done-for-you monthly ads management service!

Scaling with Facebook & Instagram Ads is your dream, but managing them

definitely isn't.


Your in-demand course or program has been validated by raving fans who have sent you glowing testimonials as proof. You might have even successfully live-launched your offer several times with success.

Now you’re in a great position for continued growth and you recognize the need to scale with ads. But you also know that as a busy CEO, your time is precious and juggling the complexities of ads management while steering the ship just isn't feasible or sustainable.

Which is why you’re SO ready to outsource ads management.

But it isn't just about saving time...although that's a big one.
It's also about having a team of experts who live and breathe ads management working on your business over the long term.

We understand that your time is your most valuable asset and our mission is to free you from the intricacies of running your Facebook and Instagram ads.

hey there visionary entrepreneur!

You're likely at the helm of a thriving 6 or 7 figure business, armed with a great offer that resonates with your audience.

Whether it's lead magnets, low-ticket offers, 1:1 services, evergreen courses, live launches, or any combination of these, we've got your entire ads ecosystem covered.

Full Spectrum Management

We're not just another ad agency, we're an extension of your team and a partner in your continued business growth. Beyond the day-to-day management of ads, we invest in understanding your business. This knowledge becomes the basis for ongoing collaborative strategizing, ensuring that your growth aligns seamlessly with your vision.

To deliver a premium service, we intentionally limit the number of Monthly Ads Management clients we take on each year so we can devote personalized attention to your business. Your success story is unique and your ads strategy should be too.


Personalized Attention

Our agency brings a wealth of expertise sharpened through years of collaboration with online course creators and coaches, having successfully managed over $5 million in ad spend. With a deep understanding of your industry, we ensure your ads strategy is not just effective but industry-tailored.


How Our Approach is Different...

Generated 2,900 new leads at an average cost of just $2.56 per lead during a live launch warm-up phase.

Achieved returns on ad spend of $5.50, $8, and even as high as $16 during the live launch open-cart period.🤯🤯

Delivered consecutive revenue growth for three years straight after partnering with us.

Reduced the cost per application for an application funnel by 55%.

Helped a client double their email subscriber list through effective lead generation ads.

I mean just look at these results from my clients...

"Jennifer takes such special care of us and always goes above and beyond to ensure our ads are being seen by the RIGHT people at the RIGHT time. She has helped us expand our audience and reach new clients that we never had before.

Knowing our ads are being handled by someone that really understands our goals and vision has been a game changer. The trust we have in Jennifer and her team has helped us focus on our areas of expertise, knowing that our ad spend, our brand, and our future customers are in good hands.

Jennifer and her team are ON THEIR ISH! Simply put, the organization that Jennifer brings to our Facebook and Instagram ad campaigns is invaluable."

"Knowing our ads are being handled by someone that really understands our goals and vision has been a game changer"



$3,000 per month

apply now to get started

*3 month initial commitment required

+ 3 months of 1:1 ad management for up to 3 funnels / offers 
(additional funnels can be added)
+ Any account or pixel setup needed before we get started or as we go
+ Audience research and campaign optimization
+ Customized ad copy written by our ad copy expert
+ Customized ad graphics and videos created by professional designers
+ Monthly reporting + weekly check-ins

what's included

Done For You Ads Management

weekly communication

customized monthly reports

customized ad strategy

What You Can Expect

I help visionary coaches and course creators get seen, grow their email list, launch their course or program and make more money with Facebook and Instagram ads.

Here's what you should know about me: I'm an action taker and I believe learning a craft is a life-long process. So while I have years of experience getting HUGE RESULTS for clients, I'm always continually learning and building on that expertise so I can continue to stay up to date and get clients incredible results on Facebook's ever-changing ad platform.

I'm passionate about simplifying the complex world of Facebook and Instagram advertising for businesses who are serious about investing in an ads strategy that will have a major impact on their business. And I do that through a complex process of data gathering, analysis, strategy, and experimentation.
Basically....I'm a data nerd 🤓 (which means I'm an ad powerhouse 😉)

Ready to get more visible while attracting qualified leads through Facebook and Instagram ads?

I'm so ready to learn more about your business 👇

meet  your ad strategist!

I'm Jennifer — your go-to ads bestie

apply now to get started

Let's chat about working together!

take the first step. (it's easy!)

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